Student Testimonials

 We asked participants how they envision they will use REU experiences to enhance their future career plans, here are their responses

"Having an opportunity to handle and analyze large volumes of data using coding will definitely be a big help in advancing my education and career."

"It will help me both to both get into grad school, and to pick an appropriate lab to join."

"This experience has helped with my personal self-confidence regarding research skills, and has opened my eyes to several fields I could pursue a career in."

"I will likely continue to engage in some research for the rest of my undergrad and potentially apply to grad school!"

"I think that my REU experience made me realize that graduate school is more than additional education, its amount learning and exploring areas of interest to you. From my REU experience, it has made me want to get some industry experience but eventually go to graduate school to further my knowledge in areas of interest. So overall, my REU experience has opened my eyes to different career paths and to see what opportunities that exist in the industry that I would like to go into."

"I cannot imagine applying for graduate school without going through this program. I feel like I understand the application process and what it is like to be in graduate school incredibly more than I did before this REU program."

"This experience has opened my field of view on energy and the environment. I feel more prepared and confident to take projects related to these topics in the future."

"I will be able to use the knowledge and insights I gained in regards to global development and engineering in my future work and be able to have a greater understanding of everything that must be considered and analyzed when creating and researching new technologies for communities."

"This experience left me a lot more familiar with computers, which is a skill I felt I was lacking in beforehand. I also feel a lot more comfortable around research, presenting, and undertaking a large project. All of these things I think will be very helpful for my future."