REU students spend 10-weeks at the University of Minnesota in the Department of Mechanical Engineering on a research project related to energy and the environment. The REU student is advised by a faculty member and mentored by a graduate student. Projects may involve background readings in technical literature and reports, computer-aided design, mathematical modeling, fabrication designs, experimental testing, and participation in group discussions and project team meetings. Every student has a project of their own, with specific responsibilities and deliverables. Students are responsible for final reports, posters, and presentations at the end of the experience.
The following is a list of example projects from Summer 2022.
Research Theme | REU Project Title | Faculty Advisor |
Air Quality | Optimization of Medium Scale Electrostatic Precipitators | Chris Hogan |
Air Quality | Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Using Digital inline Holography | Jiarong Hong |
Air Quality | A Comprehensive Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Low-Cost Particular Matter (PM) Sensors | David Pui |
Air Quality | Modeling of High-Pressure Particulate Emission from Engines | Suo Yang |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles in Energy Research | Sayan Biswas |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Energetic Characterization of Nano-aluminum Composites | Sayan Biswas |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Engineering Thermal Emissivity with Nano-photonic Materials | Ognjen Ilic |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Radiative Heat Transfer Control with Phase-change Metamaterials | Ognjen Ilic |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Solar Windows For Photovoltaics In Buildings and Agriculture | Uwe Kortshagen |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Sensors for Wave Energy Monitoring | Perry Li |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Heat Transfer in Granular Materials for Concentrated Solar Power | Vinod Srinivasan |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Energy Efficient Connected and Automated Vehicles | Zongxuan Sun |
Energy Generation & Transmission | 3D Simulation of Non-Equilibrium Plasma Discharges for Lean Combustion of Methane | Suo Yang |
Energy Generation & Transmission | Neural Networks for Modeling and Control of Turbulent Combustion | Suo Yang |
Water Quality | Plasma Treatment on Biofilms in 3D Printed Microchannels | Bruggeman and McAlpine |
Water Quality | How to Clean Water by Bacteria | Al Aksan |
Water Quality | Transport of Solid Contaminants in Fractured Aquifer Ecosystems | Sungyon Lee |
Water Quality | Temperature Dependent Electrodialysis Desalination | Natasha Wright |
For more detail click here for project descriptions.